
Lt. Gen. Jerry P. Martinez, Commander, U.S. Forces Japan
March 22, 2019
Counsels for the Okinawa Dugong “Rights of Nature” Lawsuit
ARAKAKI, Tsutomu
WADA, Juta
YOSHIOKA, Yoshiharu
Bldg.2F,15-19, Tsubaki-cho, Nakamura-ku,
Nagoya-city, Aichi Prefecture, Japan
1. Purpose of the Representation
The Counsels requests that United States Forces, Japan (USFJ) revoke authorization for the Japanese government to enter Camp Schwab in connection with the construction of the replacement facility for Futenma Air Station (below, “Replacement Facility”), and then, on its own responsibility, perform a rigorous scientific study for the protection of dugongs in the development zone, and develop and implement a dugong protection plan.
2. US Government Authority, and Its Responsibilities Pertaining to Replacement Facility Construction
The Okinawa Defense Bureau is currently moving forward with construction of the Replacement Facility at Camp Schwab and the adjoining marine area (below, “new base construction zone”). Under Article 2 of the “Agreement under Article VI of the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between Japan and the United States of America, regarding Facilities and Areas and the Status of United States Armed Forces in Japan” (below, “SOFA”), this zone is provided to the military forces of the United States of America (below, “US Armed Forces”).
Based on SOFA Article 3.1, the US government is accorded exclusive use of areas provided for US Armed Forces bases, and therefore entities including the Japanese government which desire to visit said areas must obtain authorization from the US. Said authorization is granted upon following procedures in accordance with the “Procedure for Authorization to Visit US Facilities and Areas” by the US-Japan Joint Committee, which was created pursuant to SOFA Article 25.
Because the Replacement Facility is a base provided to the US government, the Japanese and US governments jointly determine its requirements. And because the new base development zone is subject to the right of exclusive use, base construction is carried out pursuant to US government authorization. In view of these circumstances, construction of the Replacement Facility can be seen as not an act of the Japanese government alone, but as a joint act of the Japanese and US governments. Consequently, not only the Japanese government, but also the US government, must be held liable for problems caused by Replacement Facility construction.
The new base development zone is habitat for the dugong (Dugong dugon), and also hosts one of Japan’s rarest and most abundant ecosystems. The US government therefore has the responsibility to avoid environmental damage by the new base construction, and to protect the environment and dugongs.
3. The US Government’s Obligation to Conserve the Ecosystem
The US Department of Defense has prepared the “Overseas Environmental Baseline Guidance Document” (OEBGD) for military facilities outside of the US (JEGS C1.1.1). According to this document, the “DoD Lead Environmental Component” (DoD LEC) of the US Forces stationed in each country is supposed to compare the OEBGD and the environmental standard of each host country, and prepare a Final Governing Standard (FGS) which reflects the more rigorous of the two (JEGS C1.1.2). In Japan the DoD LEC of USFJ has prepared the “Japan Environmental Governing Standards” (JEGS).
JEGS Chapter 13 (Natural Resources and Endangered Species) prescribes the planned administration of natural resource conservation. Under these provisions, the DoD is to list species which the Japanese government protects as endangered or as having cultural value (JEGS C13.2.4), and to provide for the protection of listed species and their habitats (JEGS C13.2.3). Because Japan’s dugongs are subject to protection as a natural monument of the nation under Japan’s Law for the Protection of Cultural Properties, and listed in T2 of JEGS C13.2.9, the species and its habitat are both accorded protection under JEGS. As such, military installations must in accordance with JEGS take “reasonable steps to protect and enhance” the dugong and its habitat (C13.3.1), and must develop natural resources management plans (C13.3.3).
Because the dugong is, in the first place, listed by the US Endangered Species Act (ESA), the US government is supposed to implement a dugong protection policy under this law. Additionally, based on the rules of the aforesaid OEBGD as well, it would be appropriate for the US to implement a dugong protection policy suitable for an ESA-protected species.
4. No Scientific Study of Dugongs Has Been Performed in Connection with Replacement Facility Construction
Our organization, the Japan Environmental Lawyers for Future (JELF), has filed suit against the DoD seeking protection for Japan’s dugongs based on the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). In the course of events, the DoD commissioned a study of the dugong’s cultural value by David Welch and other researchers (below, “Welch Report”), and the results of the 2010 study were released in March 2010. Because the cultural influence of Replacement Facility construction on the Okinawa dugongs is an issue in the lawsuit, the question of whether base construction would increase the risk of the Okinawa dugongs’ extinction was a great matter of concern.
Citing a number of examples, the Welch Report harshly criticizes the dugong environmental impact assessment for lacking in scientific rigor. As noted previously, the DoD is obligated by JEGS to take protective measures for the Okinawa dugongs. JEGS requires the development and implementation of plans which provide for the conservation of species and their habitats, and which stand up to scientific scrutiny. Needless to say, scientific studies on dugongs must be accurate if dugong protection measures are to be effective. Because scientific studies on dugongs in Japan are highly inadequate, the DoD should make the Japanese government halt the Replacement Facility construction currently in progress, and immediately carry out a proper dugong study.
5. Suspension of Access Authorization for Construction, and the Need for Dugong Protection Measures
(1) The Defense Facilities Administration Agency (DFAA) performed an environmental impact assessment based on a 2012 study, but that study lacked scientific rigor and was insufficient to assess the state of the dugongs. In fact, a survey conducted during the period from May 16 through July 5, 2014 by “Zan: Investigative Team of Dugong at the Northern Limit” (“Team Zan”) on dugong feeding trails in Henoko Bay and Oura Bay found many dugong feeding trails on the Oura Bay side of Camp Schwab. This survey was performed by a citizens’ group, and therefore it goes without saying that if a thorough scientific study were to be conducted, it would provide a still more accurate determination.
Of particular importance is the fact that dugongs are using a broad area ranging from the inner recess of Oura Bay to Sedake, near land (Oura Bay), to the Camp Schwab side of the bay. In terms of water depth, dugongs seem to have formerly used only shallow zones but this survey found they are also using seagrass meadows in a deep zone of 19.6 m.
(2) The DFAA study found that since 2007 three individuals have been confirmed: male Individual A (sighted mainly at Kayo), female Individual B (mainly at Kouri Island), and juvenile Individual C (migrates between Kouri and Cape Hedo). However, the Okinawa Defense Bureau says that Individual C was last sighted on June 24, 2015. (Okinawa Defense Bureau, 2017). Individual A has not been sighted since September 2018. Execution of reclamation work, loss of seagrass meadows, ship traffic, noise caused by construction work, excessive monitoring activity by the Okinawa Defense Bureau, and other activities have many adverse impacts on the dugongs, and therefore a connection with reclamation work must be considered. Because the new base construction zone is under the control of the US government, which has supervisory authority, it must on its own responsibility investigate the connection between the construction work and dugongs. USFJ should immediately halt construction work and investigate construction impacts on the dugongs.
(3) It has long been observed that the bottom is soft in Oura Bay. A report submitted by the Ministry of Defense to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport on January 18, 2019, “Report on Examination of Design and Construction Related to the Seabed,” states that at its maximum the soft bottom is 90 m deep, and that construction will drive a total of 76,699 sand piles, comprising 38,945 sand compaction piles and 37,754 sand drains. Bottom improvement will cover an area of 57 ha. It is evident that the large amount of fill material will heavily impact the Oura Bay ecosystem, and a study of the impacts is unavoidable. Of course the impacts of construction work on the dugongs must also be investigated.
(4) Even one of these factors is sufficient to see that a dugong study, which is a prerequisite for dugong protection measures, is essential to protect the dugongs. The US government unquestionably bears responsibility in connection with Replacement Facility construction at Henoko. As noted above, USFJ is obligated by JEGS rules to enact measures for dugong protection. The Defense Facilities Administration Agency has begun dumping fill material for new base construction at Henoko. This act causes irrevocable changes to the construction zone, and therefore makes all future protection measures meaningless. USFJ should suspend the Defense Facilities Administration Agency’s access authorization for Replacement Facility construction, it should on its own responsibility conduct a rigorous scientific study for dugong protection in the construction zone, and it should develop and implement a dugong protection plan.
6.In view of the foregoing, JELF makes the following requests to USFJ.
- Do not grant the Japanese government authorization to enter the new base construction zone for the purpose of building the Replacement Facility at Henoko.
- Suspend construction work by means of Request 1, and perform a study for dugong protection using a method which stands up to scientific scrutiny.
- USFJ must on its own responsibility develop and implement a plan for protection of dugongs and of the Oura Bay ecosystem.
在日米軍司令官 ジェリー P. マルティネス中将 殿
名古屋市中村区椿町15-19 学校法人秋田学園名駅ビル2階
弁護士 新垣 勉
弁護士 籠橋隆明
弁護士 和田重太
弁護士 小林邦子
弁護士 吉岡良治
弁護士 渡部貴志
1. 申し入れの趣旨
2. アメリカ合衆国政府の権限と辺野古新基地建設に関する責任
新基地開発区域はジュゴン(Dugong dugon)の生息区域であるとともに,我が国有数の豊かさをもつ自然生態系が展開する区域であるため,合衆国政府は新基地建設による自然破壊を回避し,これらを保護する責任を負っている。
3. 合衆国政府の自然生態系を保全する義務
合衆国国防省は米国域外の軍事施設について「域外環境基本指針文書(OEBGD/Overseas Environmental Baseline Guidance Document) 」を作成している(JEGS,C1.1.1)。同文書によれば各国に駐留する米軍における「国防省環境司令官」(DoD Lead Environmental Component: DoD LEC)は、OEBGD と受入国の環境に関する基準とを比較して、環境保護にとってより厳しい基準を反映させた最終管理基準(Final Governing Standard: FGS)を作成することとなっており(JEGS,C1.1.2),我が国では在日米軍における国防省環境司令官が日本国におけるFGS,「日本環境管理基準(JEGS/Japan Environmental Governing Standards)」を策定している。
JEGS は13章(自然資源及び絶滅危惧種)において,自然資源の保全を計画的に管理するよう定めている。DODにおいては日本政府が絶滅危惧種として,あるいは文化的価値あるものとして保護している種をリスト化し(JEGS,C13.2.4),リストにあげられた種の保護及び当該の生息区域の保護をはかるとしている(JEGS,C13.2.3)。日本のジュゴンは日本の文化財保護法による国の天然記念物であることから保護の対象とされJEGS,C13,2.9のリストT2にあげられているため,種及びその生息区域はJEGSの保護対象となっている。そのため軍施設はJEGSに基づきジュゴン及びその生息地を保護し向上させるために合理的な措置を講じなければならず(C13.3.1),軍施設は自然資源管理計画を作成しなければならない(C13.3.3)。
そもそも,ジュゴンは米国「種の保存法」(Endangered Species Act/ESA)にリストされた種であることから,米国政府は自国の法であるESAに従ったジュゴン保護政策が実施されるべきである。また,前述のOEBGDの原則からいってもジュゴンにはESAの保護種にふさわしい保護政策が行われてしかるべきである。
4. 辺野古新基地建設に関してジュゴンに対する科学的調査は行われていない
私たちJELF(日本環境法律家連盟)は日本のジュゴンに対してNHPA (National Historic Preservation Act)に基づく保護を求めてDODに対し訴えを提起した。その中で,DODはデビッド・ウェルチ氏ら研究者にジュゴンの文化的価値の調査を委託し,2010年調査結果は2010年3月に報告書としてまとめられた(以下「ウェルチ報告書」という)。訴訟では辺野古新基地建設が沖縄ジュゴンに与える文化的影響が争点になっているため,基地建設によって沖縄ジュゴン絶滅の危険性が増大するかも重大な関心事であった。
5. ジュゴン保護措置の必要性と工事立入許可の中止
(1) 防衛施設庁は2012年の調査に基づいて環境影響評価を行ったのであるが,この調査自体科学性が乏しく,ジュゴンの状態を評価するには不十分である。実際,「北限のジュゴン調査チーム・ザン」(以下、「チーム・ザン」)の調査により、2014 年 5 月 16日から 7 月 5 日の期間,辺野古湾及び大浦湾についてジュゴンの食み跡調査が実施された結果でも,キャンプシュワブ大浦湾側に多数のジュゴンの食痕が確認された。この調査では市民団体のよるものであるが,科学的な本格的調査を実施すればさらに正確に把握されるものであることは言うまでも無い。
特に重視されるべきはジュゴンによって利用されている位置も大浦湾奥部から陸に近い瀬嵩(大浦湾)、キャンプ・シュワブ大浦湾側と広範囲にわたっている点である。水深も、従来は浅瀬のみを利用すると考えられていたが、19.6m という深場にある海草藻場も利用していることが判明した。
(2) 防衛施設庁の調査によると,2007年以降雄個体A(主に嘉陽で確認),雌個体B(主に古宇利島),幼獣個体C(古宇利,辺戸岬を回遊)の3頭の個体が確認された。しかし,沖縄防衛局によると2015年6月24日を最後に,個体Cが目撃されていない。(沖縄防衛局,2017)。また,個体Aについても平成30年9月以降確認されていない。埋め立て工事が進行し,ジュゴンの藻場が失われていることや,船舶の走行,工事に伴う騒音,沖縄防衛局による過剰な監視行動など,ジュゴンに与える悪影響は数多くあり,埋め立て工事との関連性が検討されなければならない。新基地開発区域は米国政府の管理下に置かれているものであり,この工事とジュゴンとの関連性は管理権者である米国政府の責任において調査されなければならないものである。在日米軍は直ちに工事を中止させ工事のジュゴンに対する影響を調査するべきである。
(3) 大浦湾の軟弱地盤はかねてより指摘されていたことであるが,防衛省が平成31年1月18日に国土交通省に提出した「地盤に係る設計・施工の検討結果報告書」によれば,軟弱地盤が最深90mに及び,「検討結果報告書」では、サンドコンパクションパイル(SCP)の本数は合計38,945本、サンドドレン(SD)の本数は37,754本、合計76,699本もの砂杭を打設するとしている。地盤改良の面積は57haに及ぶ。大量の土砂投入は大浦湾の自然生態系に大きな影響を与えることは自明なことであり,その影響の調査は不可避である。当然の工事がジュゴンに与える影響も調査しなければならない。
(4) これらの事情のどの一つとっても,ジュゴン保護措置の前提となるジュゴン調査がジュゴン保護のために必要不可欠であることがわかる。辺野古新基地建設において米国政府の責任は確実に存在する。JEGSのルールからすれば,在日米軍はジュゴン保護措置をとるべき義務が存在することは指摘した通りである。現在防衛施設庁は辺野古新基地建設のために土砂投入を開始している。この行為は本件開発区域に不可逆的な変化をもたらすものであって,今後いかなる保護措置も無意味にするものである。在日米軍は辺野古新基地建設のための防衛施設庁の立入許可を中止し,在日米軍の責任において本件開発区域におけるジュゴン保護のための科学的検証に耐えうる調査を実施し,ジュゴン保護計画立案とその実行を行うべきである。
6. 以上から,JELFは在日米軍に対して,次の事項を求めるものである。
① 辺野古新基地建設のために日本国政府が新基地開発区域に立ち入る許可を与えないこと
② ①により工事を中止させ,在日米軍の責任においてジュゴン保護のために科学的検証に耐えうる方法で調査を実施すること
③ 在日米軍の責任においてジュゴン保護,大浦湾の自然生態系保護計画を立案し,実行すること